Cockroaches are tough nuts to crack and they are especially nasty to have inside your home because they leave behind trails of E. coli and salmonella. They are actively looking for two things: water and food sources, it takes just a little bit missed from the night’s cleanup to keep the critters fat and happy.
No money for an exterminator? No problem. Here’s an easy, budget friendly “DIY Pest Control” method (shared below) that can eliminate them effectively.
Yes it’s true, there are ways to get rid of roaches with no expensive traps or “motel” products to purchase!
The most important thing is not to ignore the issue. This can grow to nightmare proportions if not tended to quickly.
During the process, be consistent: All spills are wiped down, all surfaces washed (including pantry cabinets and shelves), floors swept clean and washed again, especially before bedtime since they like to come out at night.
Note: If you do see a few scampering about during the day, that’s a sign you have a heavy infestation (worst case scenario) or at the very least, dozens of the creepers loitering about. In reality though, one is too many.
Where to look? Common hiding spots & triggers:
- Behind the fridge and stove, underneath the sink, around the garbage can, spills in the pantry, kitchen baseboards, cracks and crevices around windows and doors.
- Wipe sinks and bathtubs dry so there’s no drinking source for them to get to. All creatures need water to live, they’re no exception.
- If you’re a family that brings food and beverages into areas other than the kitchen, put a stop to that for now until the infestation has cleared.
First up is an easy recipe for a deadly mix that is sure to tempt and bait these pests. Once the roaches start to nibble and eat it, they ingest the poison and you will soon start seeing results.
If you found a surefire method of your own–feel free to share it with everyone and add it in the Comments section below (I have a running list started at the bottom of the page).
Homemade Recipe For Killer Cockroach Bait
White Flour
Boric Acid
Confectioners or Brown Sugar
- Mix 50/50 flour and boric acid.
- Sprinkle in a bit of confectioners sugar (about 1/4 of the amount of flour used).
- Make a dough by adding in water, you don’t want it runny.
- Roll the dough into small marble sized balls.
How To Use The Bait:
- Place the balls in corners, dark cupboards, the space behind heavy appliances, along floor boards and around the garbage.
- Replace old, hardened ones with fresh as needed (or apply a light spray of liquid every day or so to keep the treats fresh and appealing).
- Keep the balls away from children and pets. If you have little ones running around, tuck the bait under pieces of furniture, large appliances, inside cupboards and any area where small fingers can’t reach.
Expected Destruction: Within a month the cockroaches should be gone. Make sure to keep cleaning diligently the whole time!
Help For A Heavy Infestation
- Double the effort by combining 50/50 boric acid and brown sugar then pour the mixture in a thick line around the entire room and entranceways. As each roach gets the stuff on its body, they carry it back to the nest which will help kill several at a time.
- Once there is no trace of the pest left (usually within the month), vacuum up the powder.
- Sprinkling Diatomaceous Earth is another good option. It’s a natural insecticide that works by scratching an insect’s body as it crawls through it. This powder then absorbs water from the host body and the insect then dies of dehydration.
- Lightly sprinkle in hot spots where you notice traffic activity though generously sprinkling around each room’s perimeter would be A++.
- This is the best way if you have pets running around since Diatomaceous Earth (food grade) isn’t poisonous to them.
Notes & Tips
- You can also use Borax as a substitute but the boric acid is more effective.
- Add some bacon grease to the mixture, makes them especially tempting and hard to resist.
- Some folks also recommend including one of the following: maple syrup; peanut butter; cocoa powder.
- From Jenny: I’ve used the granular boric acid and sweetened condensed milk for years to make the little balls and it definitely works. Throw some outside close to the house – the roaches just stop and die.
- Did You Know: The most common species of cockroaches in the United States and Canada are the American, the German, the Brown-Banded and the Oriental. The German is the worst because it reproduces quickly.
One question many folks have is “how did they find their way in?” They can enter the home through any number of entry points, even just scampering inside on their own from the outdoors. You may have bought something infested from a garage sale, or a used book store, or even a package from the grocery store that had one hiding inside. That’s all it takes to get things off and running.
Just use bay leaves.
that method doesn’t work bud. tried it millions of times. never worked each time. doesn’t work with ants either. i used to watch ants crawl on the bay leaves. you think an animal is going to stray away from a leaf? no.
Bay leaves only temporarily. But this it works !! It says within in a month I say within a week you’ll notice the difference !
The only sure way of getting rid of cockroaches is by a professional exterminator. Bay leaves and all the rest of the doodley doo is not the answer. They are HIGHLY resistent to anything “natural”. I am sorry, but those are the facts. If you are a renter….call the Board of Health, the Housing Authority in your town/city and report, report, report!
What will a professional do that I can’t do?
False. It only takes a couple generations for a species of cockroaches to build some resilience to a professional grade pesticide. I have yet to learn of a cockroach than can be bitten by a house gecko and survive.
No, calling the exterminator only makes the problems worse on the long run, since they also kill any natural predators, illnesses, competitors or parasites controlling the cockroach population. Remedies like boric acid work better because they target essential components of the roach biology that they can’t easily out-evolve. Meanwhile, the insecticides target the central nervous system, because it works faster, but they hardly need it to live.
please tell me. I have 2 lovely cats. But my ex roommates were pigs and now so many roaches. Inside the rooms and even the fridge and all over kitchen counters. Wat can i use and not hurt the cats?
The boric acid balls absolutely do work. Take it from someone that had an infestation.
What is the consistency of Boric Acid, can liquid boric acid be used, I can’t find any dry in my locality
I’ll give the boric acid maple syrup and flour a try.
I cannot find granular boric acid in my locality but liquid. Can liquid boric acid work?
This simply isn’t true, iv had exterminators come that my building sent and next to nothing. Almost suspect they had some sort of hand shake agreement to use a shady service. Used a boric acid bait and they were gone in a month. They didn’t simply get bored of being here bait did it.
My step grand mother used to take borax powder and made a paste with it and then take a small bottled water cap and put some of the paste in there or on potato slices. Iv been leaving out distilled white vinegar as iv noticed that they are attractive to it and then I spray as I see them
How do bayleaves work to get rid of roaches
I tried the bay leaves. They didn’t work for me. I put uncrushed leaves in toille(sp?) circles and tied them off with ribbon and placed them around the kitchen and bathroom. The best thing I have found is Hot Shot “bombs”. You set them off and leave for a couple of hours, go out to your favorite bookstore or whatever and come home and open the windows and I leave for about an hour and them come home and vacuum. There is no residual smell and you will see a difference. Also there is no oily mess to clean up either. I have heard about the Roach Ball Recipe before but never tried it. Hope this helps. Love the website!!! Thanks, Pam
Try the 50/50 borax sugar mix, also a nice tip is to use the kids lids for the sides (pickles, etc) from wawa (rinse them of course & dry first). If I made a huge batch & every 5 days or so threw out the old ones & made fresh ones you have to be diligent for about a month straight
That’s a great tip about the lids Mike, thank you!
LoL* I just finished up the roach balls and their already attacking it!Really hope this works because I also tried bombing and bay leaves.Neither worked.The bay leaves did provide them food though.
Roach balls really work!! I made some for a friend who lived in an apartment that was so roach infested that they shorted out the microwave. The roaches crawled up the walls. The roaches actually attacked the balls as we distributed them abound the apartment. I visited a few weeks later and saw a HUGH difference. True story, I promise!! I used boric, flour, onions, sugar, and a little milk.
Won’t ants come for these sweet baits as well?
I put out cotton balls soaked in a mixture of sugar, water, and borax for ants … it gets rid of them, too! Bait balls should get rid of ants and roaches … 🙂
white vinegar works best for ants. I’m going to try the bait balls
Should I only make balls of it or should I put it in cracks of the walls like a line of it?
I made them and chopped a small onion up and added it to the ball baits. They really do work at getting rid of the little suckers.
The roach balls worked better than the exterminator..😍
I hope they work too. Did they?
i wonder if they could be put in a plastic bag outside, close to the house, and get em before they try to get in? Leaving a little place for them to enter the bag. Has anyone tried this? We are from the north and there is nothing scarrier and more discusting than seeing one of them crawling across the floor or anywhere in here! I have tried everytinhg….even taped aLL around my windows,(clear duct tape:), anywhere I think they could get in, as we never open windows down here in fl, keep air on all year.
Well I hope it work I just made some and is baking soda and boric the same just asking
There was a very old Western show on TV…black and white… Called Death Valley Days. Their sponsor was a laundry detergent additive called Twenty Mule Team Borax. My mother always added Borax to her laundry. Look for boric acid under the name Borax in the laundry detergent aisle of your grocery store. I still use it .
No, Boric Acid isn’t the same as baking soda.
I never used sugar in my roach balls. Just flour, boric acid, grated onions & water or milk. I formed them into balls & let them dry till hard. Put them in drawers, under furniture, in closets etc. They lasted longer than a year. Never had any problem with my pets.
I tried making these baits and nothing happened they didn’t go near him
They are not the same. Boric acid is stronger and also gets carried back to nest killing others and the eggs! I use to see my mother make these balls. Can anyone tell me if you have to use gloves with the boric acid???
Can anyone tell me where I can buy boric acid? I’m in Georgia. Thanks!!
Most grocery stores in the over the counter drugs etc. Also I have found it at Walmart (I believe in with the bug killers). Might try a hardware in the lawn and garden department…hope this helps…I am in southeasten Tn
Found mine at Ace Hardware store.
Me too
You can get 99% boric acid at a DOLLAR STORE it’s called roach dust or some such. It’s generic, and comes in a big squeeze bottle for blowing the dust. $1!
I have used bay leaves and peppermint oil for ants and roaches it works! You need to refresh every 6 months. It doesn’t work for American roaches ..the long black ones…I just kill them when I see them. They only come in if its really wet.
Lowe’s and Home Depot, Ace Hardware all carry it
So does Menards in the ant , roach and mouse poison aisle.
I was ar Home Depot today, and the once in my area didn’t carry Boric Acid, but they had several brand name Roach Killer Powders. A sure way to get it is online, but you will have to pay shipping, and in some cases sales taxes which will cost you more than the Boric. It’s not very practical to buy small items online. However, I no longer buy on line because some Carriers have a leave packages at the door. So to keep from going through a thingy with the seller about, I didn’t get my delivery, because maybe someone passed my door, picked up my package and kept going. So it’t Easier to just purchase locally and eliminate that headache, because chasing down the product, and getting a refund will end up costing more than the cost of the product.
Do you need to wear gloves when making the balls?
Yes boric acid can irritate your skin badly
I was under the impression that if you add water to boric acid it becomes ineffective?? I would like to know for sure though. I tried the bait balls and they did eat it, however they don’t seem to be dying it’s like im just feeding them. Should I try it with out adding the water?
Dollar Tree for $1.00.
I tried Walgreens and Walmarts to buy Boric Acid and they did not carry it anymore. Ace Hardward had plenty on hand.
Try dollar general or family dollar to find boric acid it is only $3 at my local dollar general in TN!
boric acid is freely avaiable in drug stores or in some indians grocery shop, this is normally used in carrom board where they sprinkles it on the bord so that the striker can hit the disk freely.
Use 100% boric acid and buy from any medical store. Carom board boric powder will not work.
I have been using carom board powder for years and it works. But now during this lockdown, I am stuck with no boric acid and so I tried flour, sugar and borax, keeping fingers crossed that it might work as well as the boric acid, will keep you guys posted if it does.
Before 3 year. I use boric powder. Flour and some suger.. and put balls in kichen. in 1 week all cockroaches gone.
Dollar general have Boric acid and local feed store and Walmart all have Boric acid
My neighbor just bought a full container fron dollar general for $2.95.
Try your local WALMART or ace hardware. Sometimes the answer is closer than we think. Just ask a salesperson.
Made some balls using sugar flour and boric acid. It’s been a few hours all the balls have been eaten! I’m making more each day until they stop eating them. I want these bugs gone! I know the balls will work. In college my dorm building was roach infested. My mom sprinkled boric acid powder all along the corners and I never had roaches even though all my friends had them in their dorms. That’s why I googled boric acid recipe because I remembered from my mom. I like the ball idea better though because they will gone bot powder lingering around the house forever. And I put my balls on small peices on foil so I can remember where they where and check and remove as necessary.
Family dollar or dollar General got mine 2 days ago paid 3 buck it’s red white and yellow plastic container
I get mines at my local roller general for 3 bucks big bottle
Home Depot carries Boric Acid. Comes in a powder and costs about $4.00.
Yes, it really works! I was so excited to see a difference within a few days, I applied a light mist of plain boric acid around next to walls and corners all over the kitchen to speed up the process. Then they carry the powder to the nest. We had a serious infestation and within a week there were hardly any adults. There were lots and lots of babies for weeks, but now rarely any after a month. I tweaked my recipe to include boric acid, flour, sugar, minced onion, a little salt, shortening, and a little beer. I call them roach treats. I’ve actually seen them eating it!
You had me at adding beer! Perfect!
Yes I do not know what to do this is the first time i ever in my entire life have got cockroaches i have no idea how they even got into my apartment i live in an apartment and the site of seeing cockroaches grosses me out to the core i tried indoor Foggers from Ace Hardware store with no luck i even told my manager about my serious problem with the cockroaches and she has done jack to help me does anyone know the best way to kill cockroaches for good i heard about the roach cookie balls are those good and effective at killing cockroaches what does someone got to do to rid their house to get rid of cockroaches i am a student so i do not got much money but if i buy a product i want it to work and not fail to the job does anyone know what to do to help me out with my cockroach troubles??
Hi Lisa,
You need to report your piggish slumlord to the nearest housing authority. Your landlords building sounds infested..and if they are in he walls and that of your neighbors, then you will never get rid of them. The roaches will lay eggs, and the eggs hatch…infestations continue. Professionaly companies can come out and ‘bomb/tent’ the building, but have to come back monthly.and more inbetween to kill the hatchlings….eventually this will end the cycle. Good luck..Roaches are resilient insects and all the over the counter sprays and tricks will never rid the problem if they are in the walls of your building. Good luck!!
You are not responsible for the elimination of cockroaches in your rent…..your Landlord is! Don’t forget to call the Board of Health!!! You better know, those things get into EVERYTHING and lay hundreds of eggs. Only keep your storage stuff in closed containers, not cardboard boxes. Bugs like to eat the glue. If you leave that apartment, you may be taking them with you to spread to your next housing.
You live in an apartment. All it takes is one person to enter a dwelling and leave a roach , it doesn’t even have to be your own home. Also , if you ” bomb” an apartment that’s in a complex, you WILL get them back because they will run from one apartment to the next to get away from the vapor . If you use the bombs make sure you don’t have any AC or heat on .
I will try the roach ball. Am a firm believer in boric acid. My tip: Clean up! Inside and out. Inside: throw stuff out, Put old wanted stuff in heavy contractors bags. Scrape and vacuum floor joists. Last but not least; take the stove outside; pressure wash and degrease it.
Yes, it really works…………Thanks.
Yes, no traces of this roaches can be seen after one month of treatment. I have tried many roach remedies, even paid one company to spray our flat but to no avail. Only boric acid got rid all of them.
This shouldnt be near children Im guessing?
yes these balls do work this recipe has been around along time I was a pest control worker and I hate to say this but roachs become immune to pesticides after a period of time, and most sprays and things on the market have been out so long that these nasty little bugs have overcome these poisons and well the only thing that they seem to not develope immunity to is boric acid. and I hope this information helps those who read this also if the infestation is bad enough roachs do bite while you sleep so if those that have infestation notice little sores or bumps on thier children this is a result. and another thing to do once you place the balls out do a extreme clean in your home because roachs can live off of anything also you want to take away any other food source so that they have no other choice but the roach balls. as I said I hope this info helps all with this problem and to add to the recipe use diced onions in the batch also it really attracts them as the onion starts composing in the balls and you wont smell this happening. also WEAR RUBBER GLOVES WHILE MAKING THIS AND DISCARD ANY SPOONS COOKING UTENSOLS USED THE BORIC ACID WILL ABSORBE INTO PLASTICS SO DO NOT REUSE THE BOWL, FORK, SPOON ECT AGAIN FOR HUMAN COSUMPTION!
I substituted diatomaceous earth and made balls with flour, peanut butter, maple syrup and bacon grease. Worked like a charm! Within 10 days I haven’t seen any roaches at all
uurrggg I am so sick of these bugs!!! I have been sprinkling Borax around my counter tops and it keeps them off but I notice they just go around it now. I am gonna make me a batch of roach treats in the morning!!! thanks for the tip I will post my results!!!
Hi hun , with the boric acid or ANY other powder try to just dust it . I use an old baby powder container and just ” puff ” it around. It’s like us with snow, if it’s in a mound we go around. I also use a pop top of sugar. I place them around where the bugs go and then puff the boric acid around that. I pick my stuff up every morning so there’s no contamination of my counters .
Thank you all so much. I am going to try these tips for the balls because I am losing my mind! The “nest” is my stove and I just can’t get rid of them.
A friend of mine used the photo film containers. He cut the lid in half then just lay it on it’s side which allows the cockroaches to get at it easily.
Hope this helps
I live in Manila, the roaches here CAN grow to 2+ inches in length & they can fly. This is my experience with 100% boric acid bought from Ace Hardware Shagri-la Plaza Mall for 250 pesos ($6 US).
I have to admit, I was lazy and decided to first pour some around the busier area of where I’ve seen these roaches and it does deter them. I even tested one (3/4 inch) by scaring it into a pile of boric acid, I’d like to say that I saw the same one dead the next day but I can’t be sure. It was in the vicinity of the one scared though. Thing is, there were a lot of dead roaches after just one day of laying the BA around the place.
Anyway, I decided (30 min ago) to make a version of the a recipe I’ve seen online somewhere: 50/50 (3/4 cup each) – boric acid & regular flour; 1/4 cup brown sugar, about 3-4 tablespoons of maple syrup & water. I mixed the dry ingredients first to make sure they were evenly dispersed adding the syrup later then slowly adding water to get the desired consistency. Made one big ball adding flour if it got too sticky, and pulled enough from that to make smaller marble sized balls. I placed them in all the areas I’ve noticed the annoying things. Within minutes of placing I already noticed about 3 balls being eaten – unbelievable!!! I know the stuff will kill them because they’ve already died using pure BA so it’s only a matter of time.
Some note: I used rubber gloves, plastic fork and an old plastic bowl – I threw all away except the plastic gloves. Any left over is in cellophane & 2 ziploc bags in the fridge (away from anything edible).
Anyway, I hope this helps. I’ll update later if I can, feel free to ask any questions.
This method actually works. Only task you should do everyday is to sprinkle some water over the dough balls. This will keep the dough moist and help the roaches to feed on it. After a month you will start seeing the results and there will not be any cockroaches for an year.
There is a recipe for eliminating cockroaches that has been handed down thru my family and my husband’s families for years. So far, it seems to work pretty good. Here it is:
Cockroach Eliminator:
4 Tablespoons of Boric Acid(use more if you desire, or depending on how bad they are taking over)
2 Tablespoons of flour(regular, white, all-purpose, or wheat–whatever you use or have on hand is fine.)
1 Tablespoon of Cocoa Powder(like Hershey’s or any off/store brand works just as good.)
Mix the ingredients together, and put the mixture into jar lids(about 2-4 Tablespoons per jar lid should be plenty). Set them in your kitchen cupboards, behind the refridgerator, and anyplace else where the roaches are roaming-but be sure that you put them in places where children or pets can’t get to the “yummy” powder!!!!!
A Note or 2:
I follow the recipe, but I kinda use it as a “guideline” in a way instead. Most of the time, instead of just 4 TBSP of Boric Acid, I may use up to 8! On the flour part I have used up to 5 or 6! I go overboard on the cocoa powder tho, cause that’s the ingredient that actually attracts them, I have used like 1/4 to a 1/2 cup before! It still works wonderfully, but make sure you have something air tight and big enough to store it in. !!!!Don’t forget to label the container, and put it in a place where children and/or pets cannot get to it!!!!!! I usually keep mine outside in the gardening/tool shed outside. A place totally not attractive to kids and up away from my dogs on the very top shelf.
Refresh the powder in the jar lids about every month or so, to keep its potency awake incase a few strays do scurry in a little. I Store mine in a paper wrapped mason jar with lid and band in a dark place around average room temperature. It should be good for up to 1 year or more!
****Almost forgot, If you don’t have or can’t get to any Boric Acid, I have used Borax before(just doubled it up in its place) and it worked just as fine, too!!!
Let me know if that helps you or anybody on here with cockroach problems out(or if it doesn’t). BEST OF LUCK TO EVERYBODY THAT’S “BUGGIN'”!!!!
I do hope this works! this is the first time I have had such a problem! It seemed like the more I sprayed, the more there were! I did test a few things. first I made them as directed. I made a second batch using Peanut Butter. Within 5 minutes they were literally coming out of the woodwork to eat the peanut butter “treats”. can’t wait to see results!
I have been searching for homemade remedies for silverfish. I am wondering if this will kill them also? Anyone know? I remember my mom making these years ago. However she added bacon grease to the mix. I think it helped keep them soft, maybe.
I’ve used the granular boric acid and sweetened condensed milk for years to make the little balls and it definitely works. Throw some outside close to the house-the roaches just stop and die. Think I’ll try the flour version and see what happens. Got my granular boric acid from Amazon.
I had my first roach infestation about 2 1/2 years ago. Bombs will kill the ones running around but not affect the hidden nest. Boric Acid in the thinnest line possible works better than too much. You want the roaches to walk through the Boric Acid, not around it. I made bait with bacon grease, sugar, maple syrup, flour and diced onions. I made sure my floors, counter tops and sink were clean and DRY as water is more important to a cockroach than food. I just smeared some of the bait in my kitchen sink every night and as it was the only food available, they swarmed to it, taking it back to the nest. Boric Acid kills cockroaches by dehydrating them. Cockroaches eat their dead, also ingesting the bait and dying. That’s why you never really want to kill a cockroach when you see it wandering around. Doing that, kills ONE cockroach. Getting Boric Acid on or into a cockroach kills hundreds of them. It is not an overnight process but it does work with some diligence and patience. I recently moved and sadly, have a ridiculous amount of cockroaches in my new place and face at least a month of determination in destroying every last one. By the way, as the cockroaches you do see are the larger ones, that’s actually a good thing – it means hundreds of little baby cockroaches aren’t hatching and whaat you’re doing is working!
do not bring brown paper grocery bagds in your home they are one of the worst harbers and carriers of roaches always use plastic also if your neighbors have roachs when they spray they will migrate across yards good luck getten rid o then suckers
The problem with using water in bait is that on especially hot days it dries very quickly. Replacing bait balls can get expensive and regular rehydrating can be a nuisance chore. Why not use oil instead of water? Use just enough to dampen it. It should remain moist for days and days
Hi I have been reading this posts and I have the exact Same problem… At night in the kitchen there are millions of roaches it’s gotten so bad that they dnt even scatter when I turn the lights on its as if they own the place… I have been making the boric acid balls and placing them everywhere but they just walk past the balls… I have now gone and through boric acid directly onto the roaches in hope that this might help… Will boric acid still kill roaches even if I just throw it all over them or must they eat it… How will I know if it’s working will the roaches I see in the kitchen at night be bigger ones coming out looking for food or will there just be babies wondering around… Please advise as this infestation is really nasty
I have not made this mixture. I have however used the diatomaceous earth and KNOW it works. It is essentially microscopic glass shards. It then dehydrates the insects. You can buy food grade and you yourself can consume it and it will not harm you and will prevent any internal parasites. We’ve mixed it in our dogs food to prevent internal worms. It’s completely natural.
You can sprinkle this everywhere and should be noticeably different soon. Check your local feed store or Co-Op for the food grade.
This all sounds pretty good but I dont like the idea of poisonous balls lying all about the place. I took plastic soda straws and cut them in thirds. 10 straws made 30 little plastic tubes. I mixed the flour, powdered sugar, powdered onion and boric acid inside a nice stout ziploc freezer bag. I added no water and no other true liquid. Instead I used vegetable oil so the bait would not dry out anytime soon. I also added in creamy peanut butter for good measure. I kneaded it in the ziploc bag until i got a nice dry ball of dough that just barely would stay together. You could mould it into a nice smooth doughy ball but you could also just crack it apart with a slight touch. Up till this point did not need any gloves (though prob a good idea to use them just in case). Any way I put them on now and took my doughy ball of poison out of the plastice bag. On a sheet of wax paper i kneaded it a bit more and flattened it out somewhat with my gloved hands. Leave it at least an inch thick. Now i took the plastic soda straw tubes and jammed them into the dough again and again until they filled all the way up. You will have to reconsolidate the dough a few times. I wiped the excess away from the outsides of the plastic tubes so now had 30 nice little roach baits that seemed safer to handle then just dough balls and also were not likely to dry out for weeks. My leftover large dough ball went into a new ziplock bag and will be good for years. The excess plastic tubes went into another new ziplock bag and will also be good for years. I have yet to know if this is going to take care of my roaches…but have my fingers crossed. Nothing else has worked…and I mean NOTHING….the roaches were nesting in the roach motels i tried….just partying and laughing at me. Sure hope this works.
Update: Well, it’s been a few weeks and I can’t say that I am impressed. Have never seen any roaches going to the tubes to eat. Also do not notice any reduction in the number of roaches running around. I’m giving up on poisons….time to bring out the big guns. Going to devise an electric bug zapper. Will come back later and let you all know how that turns out. Cheers!
Zax, after reading all the comments, I liked your idea for using straws. (I liked the lid idea too. Thought of baby food lids.) I would try snipping off the edge of the ziploc bag & squeezing the mix in the straws. Also, making pen tip size holes in them.
When I moved in my first house it was infested with roaches. I started out with professionals and after awhile it did even phase them. My neighbor told me to mix boric acid and sugar and put it everywhere. I started outside and moved to the interior. That boric acid did the job.
I had a recipe for adding 2 drops of ig regulator to boric acid , peanut butter roll together. Use gloves. Roll into balls. Keep away from,kids n Animals. Roaches won’t reproduce and eat dead ones addung more of regulator to more roaches. You’ll see deformed roaches, it’s working.
I think I’ve read that the kind of boric acid they sell at the drugstore is not useful for killing roaches. Does anyone know if this is true?
I made a syrup 750ml water…8 tablespoons sugar and 2 tablespoons boric acid .I sprayed everywhere and in a week there were no mo cockroaches
This really works, we have had them in our church kitchen for years, tried everything, had a professional come out and sprayed, couldn’t get rid of them, pastor wife did these balls and we haven’t seen any in a year, she also used them at her mom house and they are gone. I now have seen a few German roaches in my kitchen, fixing to do me up some balls.
When you use boric acid directly or make the “treat” balls, do you see a whole bunch of dead roaches everywhere or do they go off and die in their own secret lair somewhere?
Best bait i used, wonderfully efficient (but patience is necessary, several weeks), better than advion my experience: mix peanut butter + boric acid, roughly 50-50 or 60-40. Ad a very tiny drop of peanut butter after some weeks just for the odor. Can put all this in small bottle caps. Good idea to add also boric acid aroud the bait, just a very fine invisible layer (i use a brick and file to get a fine powder).
ONIONS ARE TOXIC AND POTENTIALLY FATAL TO DOGS and CATS too! Please DO NOT ADD ONION if you are going to put these where pets can get to them, and we know that pets can be creative, so be careful! It doesn’t matter that someone above said that she never had any problems with her pets. That doesn’t mean that you won’t have problems with yours. Don’t risk it! Your pets deserve better.