These snippets of kitchen tips come from articles and booklets published in the 1940’s & 1950’s. Each quick tip is about eggs and how to best use them. Many you probably know but you might pick up a new trick or two with this batch.
The Timeless Wisdom collection is a regular feature on Tipnut where we take a look back at the methods used and advice given to homemakers decades ago, many are still useful for today!
- The whites will whip more readily if a pinch of salt is added to them.
- When cream will not whip, add the white of an egg to your cream–chill it and it will whip.
- If yolks become stringy after being added to hot puddings, especially tapioca, use a beater; the lumps will adhere to the beater and leave the pudding smooth.
- A well-beaten white added to mashed potatoes will enhance the looks and taste of the dish.
- If it has a very thin shell, or is chipped, and likely to crack when being boiled, add a few drops of vinegar to the water.
- When making mayonnaise incorporate the white to the mixture after the vinegar is added. This will prevent curdling.
- They will beat up lighter and make finer cake when not too cold. They should be at cool room temperature (60°F. to 70°F.) for best results. When making sponge cakes, especially angel food, remove them from refrigerator several hours before using.
- Don’t wash before storing. Water destroys the protective film that keeps out air and odors.
- The fresher they are, the harder it is to remove the shell from those that have been hard-boiled. Use the ones you’ve had the longest.
- To prevent the shell cracking when put into hot water, let stand in warm water a few minutes while pot is being brought to boiling point.
- Use this inexpensive gadget to puncture a small hole in the large end of an egg: push a thumb-tack through a thick piece of cardboard so just the point protrudes. Place gadget on counter and tap large end gently down on thumbtack point to puncture shell. This hole permits expanding air in air cell to escape as the egg heats up and helps prevent cracking when being boiled.
- After hard-boiling, dip them immediately in cold water, otherwise they continue to cook when removed from pot.
- For those that have been hard-boiled, dark rings around the yolks are caused by cooking too long or at too high a temperature. Always chill rapidly.
- To prevent curdling when making custards, first mix them with the sugar then add the hot liquid, a little at a time. Cook over hot (not boiling) water or over very low heat. Do not leave too long on the heat and remove as soon as done.
- To test for hard-boiled eggs if you forget to start the timer, tap a tiny hole in shell with point of small skewer or paring knife. Insert skewer or toothpick into center of yolk; if wet when withdrawn, cook longer, if dry, yolk is hard done.
- Many recipe books advise taking them out of the refrigerator long enough before using to allow them to warm up to room temperature. This is only necessary if making recipes where fat, sugar and eggs must be blended together. Cold ones will harden the fat and the batter looks curdled, and this may affect the texture of the finished product.
- The color of the shell has nothing to do with the quality. Buy brown or white, whichever are cheaper. Old ones are smooth and shiny while fresh ones are rough and chalky in appearance.
Don’t Miss It: Here’s a great article from the 1950’s about how to freeze eggs.